AMVETS Post 770 Officers 2022-2023
1st Vice Officer: Robert "Rob" Huston
2nd Vice Officer:
3rd Vice Officer: Barry Norden
Adjutant/Secretary Officer: James Neil Chapman
Finance Officer: Keith Evans
Provost Officer: David Charron
Judge Advocate Officer: Frank Crarey
Chaplain Officer: Dan Levan
Quartermaster Officer: Rich Bryant
Public Relations Officer: Meleagi Suitonu-Chapman*
VSO Veteran Service Officer:
VSO Veteran Service Officer: Meleagi Suitonu-Chapman
Post Trustee Officer: Reuben Felt
Post Trustee Officer: Chuck Nagy
Post Trustee Officer:
SEC Rep Officer: Ed DeMaris
Alternate SEC Rep Officer: Bill Vanasdayle
Club Board of Trustees
Chairperson: Don Sines
Bar Manager: Norm Auclair
Entertainment: Cecil Coffey
Kitchen: Jeff Denney
Member: Barry Richardson
Member: Jim Trostle
Ladies Auxiliary
President: Ginny Graves
1st Vice Officer: Sharon Felt
2nd Vice Officer: LouAnn Kresal***
3rd Vice Officer: Susan Weatherly**
Secretary Officer: Anne Keene
Finance Officer: Kathy McDowell
Public Relations Officer: Santana Daniels
Chaplain: Joyce Stickley
Scholarship Chairwoman: Diane Willsey
Hospital Chairwoman: Meleagi Suitonu-Chapman
Americanism Chairwoman: Meleagi Suitonu-Chapman
Esperanza En Escalante: Theresa Delaney
Denotations: (**) Community Service Chairwoman / (***) Child Welfare Chairwoman: LouAnn Kresal
Son's of AMVETS
President: Bobbie Boone
1st Vice Officer: Vic Johnson
2nd Vice Officer: Joe Blackwood
3rd Vice Officer: Dave Jordan
Adjutant Officer: Mark Kloeckner Judge
Advocate Officer: Kathy McDowell
Finance Officer: Richard Erich
Provost Marshal Officer: Jack Owens
Chaplain Officer: John Gracie
Historian Officer: Andrew Daniels
President: Don Sines
1st Vice Officer & Road Captain: Dave Charron
2nd Vice Officer: Joe Fincher
Judge Advocate Officer: Kat Todd
Chaplain Officer: Rob Huston